Psychoeducational and Supportive Peer Groups


Does your tween/teen need help with social skills?

Do they want more support in navigating peer relationships?

Do they need help communicating in social situations?

Couples therapy

We can help you improve, grow and heal.

  • Emotional Regulation

  • Peer Relationships

  • Problem Solving

  • Self-esteem Issues

  • Social Anxiety

  • Social Skills

Our Peer Groups may include any of the following:


We strive to provide collaborative and personalized treatment based on each specific relationship, situation and family culture. Group Therapy, Psychoeducational and Supportive Peer Groups are provided by Therapists to provide and guide group members to reach their social, emotional, and relational goals. These groups are held throughout the year at various times. Please contact us to ask about specific groups!

San Diego Couples Therapist

Contact us Now! 619.630.7793 or submit the form below

Anything is possible. Anything can be.
— Shel Silverstein